Take a Stand with Your Brand!


What message do you want to send out to the world? I love working on branding. Whether you have a business or not, you still have a presentation to the world! Whether you own your own business or are just aiming to get a new job. What you bring to the table is now represented by more than just your resume. With this click-click world, people want to see what you’re about right away. If your brand (presentation) is all over the place and they can’t tell what kind of look, strategy, goal you are trying to pursue it’s easy for them to just go on to the next. You want to present a clear direction of where you are and where you are aiming to go.

There are so many resources available online to be able to create graphics, use photos to tailor your brand the possibilities are endless. But with so many options, what can happen is we can jump on these different apps and experiment with the different filters and capabilities, not considering the bigger picture. So then, there ends up being a hodge-podge of various looks that evoke different feelings that can cloud the message we are trying to convey. No, it doesn’t have to be “ Pinterest-Perfect”, which can even work against us. Sometimes, that can create a generic canned branding that doesn’t spark any emotion at all and therefore can just get passed over.

So, this is where we need to start. Let’s look at the bigger picture! Think about what you want to achieve this year. It can be something about your business or just building your strong brand so that you can feel confident in your presentation whatever may come your way. Think about the long-term. A mistake I made is that when I went into my field is that I didn’t specifically tailor my presentation to the brands/companies I wanted to appeal to most. So when I wanted to get jobs working in fashion, my portfolio was so all over the place that I had to start all over. Even though I worked as a graphic designer and had a passion for fashion for years! Just remember, "If you don't stand for something, you will fall for anything.”

"Diamond in the Rough”
Model: Alyssa Labrie
Dress: Twee-In-One
Fashion Designer: Niti Singhai
Photographer: Harnesh Joshi
Art Director: Rayna Hernandez

Rayna Hernandez