Trends come and go but....

IG- New Account – 9.png

😂😂😂 The videos with this audio on this TikTok trend are my favorite they crack me up! Just like TikTok trends come and go so do design trends and styles but there are certain principles that are tried and true no matter what such as polished details, what details actually matter, and which don’t can often change depending on the client/audience.

Sometimes I get so excited about a concept or idea that I want to just flesh it out but it helps to have other trained design eyes to look at the design to point out things I may have missed and even untrained eyes for feedback of the vibes it gives and things that I may not have thought about. This is why so many companies have “testing” or “pilots” to see what is resonating and get feedback.

When I worked in Corporate, my designs would get put through the wringer where every design decision would be put into question but now in the time and space where we have apps like Canva so many more people are designing things for large audiences and those audiences take a liking to it and it can be quite confusing as to what entails “good design” vs. “bad design” and can you tell the difference?

I am realizing that every setback and failure (even the embarrassing ones 😂) has been an opportunity for learning and growth. My business coach said my business is an extension of my heart and if that is the truth then I can’t not speak on things such as these. 

While we may not feel like our business/brand will ever be perfect we can get it to a place where we feel it’s a perfect reflection of ourselves in a way that can connect with our audience. This often requires trial and error, rounds, and revisions but once your brand is in a place where you feel confident about it, it’s a great feeling because it’s based on a foundation that won’t just be knocked over by the rising tide of trends.

We shall be lifelong creators, lifelong givers, and lifelong learners. 🙏🏼 Trends come and go but is your brand well designed?! Keep going, trust the process but know it’s ok if you don’t know ALL THE THINGS and to ask for help when needed. Let me know if I can help you build your brand foundation through a Brand Package Kit or Brand Coaching Call!



Rayna HernandezComment