The Pursuit of Growth


Talking with some of my fellow freelancers and it's crazy how much a big chunk of the journey is not even the quality of work being produced as much as it is having the right mindset. We can sabotage ourselves before we've even begun. So many questions and “what if’s” swirl around our brain it’s enough to drive a person crazy! Overthinking can be our worst enemy.

For there to be growth there has to change. For there to be the change we need to take risks, die to ourselves, be open to suggestions and feedback.  I used to be so afraid to really pursue my dreams, go after my passions and gifts, put myself out there. Now that I finally have taken the leap I can see what my hesitation was. It can be scary. Some people and situations can suck. ⁠

Focus on the wins and the supporters and beautiful ones that ARE in your corner. The ones that inspire you. ⁠

There are many on here that inspire me so! As safe as that comfort zone is, accomplishing dreams takes work and lots of it. ⁠What risks are you taking to become who you want to be? What is helping you take those risks amongst the doubts and overthinking?